Dear Members,
Are available:
– Notice of call for the Ordinary Separate Members’ Meetings and Ordinary General Members’ Meeting. *
– Proxy form and voting instructions to the Designated Representative ex art. 135 undecies of italian Legaslative Decree no. 58/1998.
– Proxy form to other Company’s Member.
– List of candidates Fai Service Board of Directors: List no. 1 “2023 List” (proposed by the Board of Directors)
– List of candidates Fai Service Board of Statutory Auditors: “2023 List of candidates Board of Statutory Auditors”
Any further documentation/proposal relating to the items on the agenda is made available to Members at the registered office of FAI SERVICE S. Coop. in Milan, Viale Cassala no. 57, as well as at the administrative offices in Cuneo, Via Renzo Gandolfo 1, and a request to receive it may be sent to the email address assembleasoci@faiservice.com
* Please see the integrated version as of April 6, 2023 (that replaces the version as of April 4, 2023)
Notice of call for the Members' Meeting
Integrated version as of April 6, 2023 (that replaces the version as of April 4, 2023)
Notice of call for the Members' Meeting SUPERSEDED
Please see the integrated version as of April 6, 2023 as above published