LUMESIA 1 HomeLumesia-1 Lumesia 1 The new generation of satellite toll services Much more than an OBU, the Lumesia 1 is a complete service platform that facilitates the management of your HGV tolls in Europe. AN ELECTRONIC SATELLITE OBUThe largest network on the marketand 17 European countries with a single device A MOBILE APPLICATION FOR DRIVERSSimplified management with a device configurable viaa dedicated mobile application A WEB INTERFACE FOR FLEET MANAGERSEnhanced control through real-time accessto OBU status Simplify your daily life with the new toll services Lumesia 1, the satellite toll system that opens up Europe 17 countries covered: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.Access to safe parking in EuropeCompatible with ferries (Strait of Messina and Scandinavia)4G technologyA fixed installation to reduce the risk of infringements and a self-test tool to check the installation Lumesia 1, a mobile application to facilitate the OBUs management Available on Android and iOSVisualisation of the OBU’s status and activated networksAutomatic updates of toll settings (axes, weight) in real timePush notifications for every changeDocuments accessible in just a few clicks (user guides, vouchers, vehicle declaration)Voice feedback (18 languages) available as a substitute for the app Download from App Store Download from Google Play Lumesia 1, a web interface to keep an eye on your toll devices (coming soon) Visualisation of the status and configuration of the OBUs in real timeDownloadable reporting Lumesia 1, compatible with high value-added services Geolocation services with telematics EDI of daily consumption by country crossed in Europe Contact us for more information on (+39) 0171 41 60 00 or Ask a question Reserved area